Facotry Supply Modular Prefabricated Prefab Roj thiab Gas Field Labor Camp House

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Lida Integrated Camp House yog dav siv rau kev ua haujlwm thiab tub rog lub hom phiaj hauv General Contracting projects, Oil and gas field projects, Hydroelectric Projects, Tub rog tej yaam num, mining sectors tej yaam num, thiab hais txog, uas yog npaj rau lub sij hawm luv luv thiab mus sij hawm ntev kev koom tes.
Lida prefabricated roj thiab roj chaw ua haujlwm lub tsev pw hav zoov muaj peev xwm ua kom muaj zog thiab tsim tshwj xeeb los muab kev pabcuam siab tshaj plaws thiab kev nplij siab.Lida prefabricated neeg ua haujlwm camp chaw tsim khoom tuaj yeem muab cov kev daws teeb meem ceev, yooj yim, pheej yig thiab siv zog ua haujlwm ib ntus.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Lida Integrated Camp House yog dav siv rau kev ua haujlwm thiab tub rog lub hom phiaj hauv General Contracting projects, Oil and gas field projects, Hydroelectric Projects, Tub rog tej yaam num, mining sectors tej yaam num, thiab hais txog, uas yog npaj rau lub sij hawm luv luv thiab mus sij hawm ntev kev koom tes.

Lida prefabricated roj thiab roj chaw ua haujlwm lub tsev pw hav zoov muaj peev xwm ua kom muaj zog thiab tsim tshwj xeeb los muab kev pabcuam siab tshaj plaws thiab kev nplij siab.Lida prefabricated neeg ua haujlwm camp chaw tsim khoom tuaj yeem muab cov kev daws teeb meem ceev, yooj yim, pheej yig thiab siv zog ua haujlwm ib ntus.

Lida roj thiab roj lub tuam txhab ua haujlwm camp tsev (labour Camp lub tsev) yog tsim los xa cov kev daws teeb meem zoo tshaj plaws thiab kev lag luam ntawm cov tsev prefabricated, lub tsev ntim khoom lossis ob qho tib si ntawm cov kab ntau lawm, uas yuav tsum tau siv sijhawm, nqi, qhov chaw nyob, cov neeg siv khoom xav tau, thiab tsoomfwv cov cai rau kev txiav txim siab.

Kev siv cov qauv steel, prefab lub tsev thiab lub tsev ntim khoom, Lida Group yuav muab kev pabcuam rau koj ib leeg rau cov tuam txhab roj thiab roj ua haujlwm hauv tsev (labour Camp house).
Lida roj thiab roj tuam txhab ua hauj lwm camp tsev (labour Camp tsev) yog ua los ntawm lub teeb steel raws li cov qauv thiab sandwich panels rau phab ntsa thiab ru tsev.Kev rwb thaiv tsev ntawm cov vaj huam sib luag tuaj yeem yog polystyrene, polyurethane, pob zeb ntaub plaub thiab fiber ntau iav, uas yog txiav txim siab los ntawm qhov xav tau thiab ib puag ncig.
Lida roj thiab roj tuam txhab ua haujlwm cov tsev ua haujlwm hauv tsev tuaj yeem sib sau ua ke ob peb zaug tom qab ib qho chaw tsim kho tiav, ntsia tau yooj yim thiab siv tau zoo.

K Model Prefab Lub Tsev (9)
Lida Integrated Camp House tau dav siv rau kev ua haujlwm thiab tub rog lub hom phiaj hauv Kev cog lus dav dav, Roj thiab roj teb p ((3)
Lida Integrated Camp House tau dav siv rau kev ua haujlwm thiab tub rog lub hom phiaj hauv General Contracting projects, Roj thiab roj teb p (
Lida Integrated Camp House tau dav siv rau kev ua haujlwm thiab tub rog lub hom phiaj hauv Kev cog lus dav dav, Roj thiab roj teb p ((4)
Prefab Construction Worker Labor Camp (1)

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